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Lanette Helene

Director and Creator of Pilates Canberra: Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method, TAE, RAPP member

I started teaching Pilates in 1995 after commencing studies in 1993. I have studied Pilates with a variety of schools culminating in the Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method through PilatesITC.

I have opened Pilates studios across Canberra and by building the only Pilates specialist registered training organisation in Canberra, I have trained many of the Pilates Instructors who now own their own studios or teach around Australia.

From 2011 until 2019 I was a co-director of PilatesITC and proud to be a Director of the most progressive Pilates specialist training organisation in the world for eight years. After helping to establish a relationship between PilatesITC and the University of Canberra, I became the first student to articulate from the Advanced Diploma of the Pilates Method to an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science; study that I still continue part time.

I share my time between instructing private clients, staff and other Pilates instructors and teaching professional development workshops and classes around Australia. I work with my wonderful team to build relationships between Pilates Canberra and healthcare and Allied Health professionals in Canberra for the benefit of our shared clients - to help all clients to achieve their health goals.

My greatest inspiration is the work of Sally Anderson - as she is interested in the scientifically based work to progress our health and lives through movement.

My other greatest inspirators are Deborah Lessen who fought for us to call what we teach as “Pilates” all the way to the US Supreme Court; helped inspire and create the PMA; and is the gateway to the work of Carola Trier.

Finally, the lovely Blossom Leilani Crawford who is the gate-keeper of Pilates Elder Kathy Grant’s work, and also working to further the independent and logical thinking of Pilates instructors.

Let’s enjoy movement and health NOW and into our advancing age…..